Bucephalandra Brownie Phantom

Overview:  Bucephalandra Brownie Phantom is a relatively new aquatic plant that originates in Borneo. Although Bucephalandra Brownie Phantom is very easy to grow, it is actually a very rare plant. Its distinct feature “Gold Powder” appears on leaves when it is grown submerged. Bucephalandra Brownie Phantom will grow a bit faster when emersed which is ideal since this plant is a very slow grower.

Size Portions: Bucephalandra Brownie Phantom is priced per plant 5+ Leaves

Lighting conditions: Low to Medium

Difficulty or care: Easy

Placement in an aquascape: Foreground to midground

Temperature: 68 – 86 F

Reproduction: Propagation is by cutting side shoots and re-planting the stems. Reproduction by seed is also possible.

Growth Rate: Very Slow