Rainbow Shark (Epalzeorhynchos frenatum)

Scientific Name:Labeo erythururus

Ease of Care:Easy

Approximate Arrival Size:Small 1.5 to 3 inches, Medium 2 to 3 inches

Approximate Full Size:7 to 10 inches

Native Region:Borneo & Sumatra



Rainbow Shark behaves much like its cousin, the Red-Tailed Shark, but displays more gray coloration throughout the body and more shades of pink throughout the fins. A fish of Thai origins, the Rainbow Shark is typically peaceful toward all but the smallest of fish, but is likely to be a bit scrappy amongst its own kind. Its only resemblance to the ocean predator, the shark, is the overall shape and erect characteristic of the dorsal fin. This fish, though considered an omnivore, does best with a fair amount of vegetable matter in its diet. The barbels that extend from the snout of this fish help in its foraging for food. Alkaline water of moderate hardness and about 77 degrees will suit the Rainbow Shark fine.