Vesicularia dubyana (Singapore Moss)

Overview:  Vesicularia dubyana (Singapore Moss), also known as “Dubious Bladder Moss” is a moss originally thought of as Java Moss. This moss is found occurring naturally in Singapore and some parts of Malaysia. Singapore Moss features a dull to dark green color with flattened irregular pinnacle branches. This moss is quite easy to take care for which makes it popular to many hobbyists.

Size Portions: Vesicularia dubyana (Singapore Moss) is priced per portion

Lighting conditions: Very Low

Difficulty or care: Easy

Placement in an aquascape: Background

PH: 6.5 – 8.0

Temperature: 65 – 84 F

Reproduction: Propagation is done by cutting the strands apart and letting it grow its own roots.

Growth Rate: Very Slow